Sunday, May 18, 2008

Meet Lacy....

Heartbroken and suffering from insomnia, I found myself surfing the web at 1 am one morning in the week after we lost Violet. Of course I end up at Petfinder. I type in Pug...and lo and behold Lacy pops up.
She was found in a shelter by Pug Rescue of New England. She had ear and eye infections, she was dirty, smelly, and was "a bag of bones" according to her foster mom Karen, who didn't think Lacy would every be adopted out to a "forever home" because Lacy is already 8 years old and she is "visually" challenged. In other words, our new little puglet is blind.
The minute I saw her picture online I knew that *we* were her family. We met Lacy and took her home that day...She has intergrated beautifully into our busy household. She loves to snuggle and keep me company on the couch. She has pretty much memorized the entire first floor and rarely bumps into anything (unless of course we move the furniture around).
So as I write this, I am smilling and my heart is happy and full of love for this little pug who brings a smile to my face every time I look at her. She is lying next to me, snoring and snuffling contentedly as I type away. Welcome home Lacy...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Sad News

Yesterday at about 10:30 our beautiful pug Violet passed away quietly in my arms. The day before she woke up with the right side of her face very swollen and weeping. We took her to see Meg who gave her some pain meds and fluids and referred us to specialist in the same building as her oncologists. We were hopeful that it was an infection that could be treated but by early the next morning she was having breathing and as they intebated her they discovered a huge mass up over her palate and behing her eye. There was nothing more to do...
Randy and I were both with her as she slipped away. We told her what a good dog she had been to us, how much we loved her and how much we would all miss her.
The house seems very empty without her. The kids are sad, and poor Flint keeps looking for his playmate.
We are all so heartbroken...