Last week was 4th grade MCAS. This is a standardized test that provides data on how well *the SCHOOL* is doing on teaching various topics. Unfortunately the way they test for the school's success is to test the students, thereby creating an incredible amount of stress and pressure on the kids. These are 9 and 10 year old kids. Younger for the 3rd graders (8 and 9).
During MCAS weeks, everybody is in a tizzy. The principal is stressed out, the teachers are freaking out, and this totally upsets the kids. My son is no exception. The last set of MCAS (in February - english portion) left him feeling so down and was completely dibilitating. I was in Phoenix at the time and flew back early. My son (let's call him Redd) Redd's self esteem was so low he would come home crying every day - really not understading where his feelings were coming from, but feeling so despondent that it concerned not only us as his parents, but his diagnosing doctor as well. She immediately wrote a letter indicating that it would be a detriment for Redd to continue any testing with or without accommodation.
Well that wasn't enough for anyone DOE, School District, nobody. So my poor kid had to endure 2 *more* days this week of the dreaded MCAS - this time it was Math - a subject he excells in. Everybody said "he did GREAT", "he was FINE", "no problems whatsover".
I guess no one has noticed the very violent ticks he has developed since tuesday. He scruntches his face so tight and then flings his head back (as if there was hair in his eyes) violently. So much so that he has hit me (hard) in the nose and caused a nose bleed.
What does it take for folks to realize that, again, he might have appeared "fine" on the outside, but now he suffers the consequences. Last time it took about 3 to 4 weeks to calm the tics - with alot of relaxation techniques (mom as therapist) and well as deep breathing, and some talking (again mom as therapist).
How can we continue to subject our children to this stress and even thought we had a letter from his physician indicating that it was expressely against medical advice to have him participate in this test - he still had to take it.
I sit here on this Saturday morning watching my beautiful child ticcing violently across the room from me. All I want to do is wrap him in my arms and not let go. I want to protect from this world, all the while knowing that I can't.
Hug someone you love, right now!
During MCAS weeks, everybody is in a tizzy. The principal is stressed out, the teachers are freaking out, and this totally upsets the kids. My son is no exception. The last set of MCAS (in February - english portion) left him feeling so down and was completely dibilitating. I was in Phoenix at the time and flew back early. My son (let's call him Redd) Redd's self esteem was so low he would come home crying every day - really not understading where his feelings were coming from, but feeling so despondent that it concerned not only us as his parents, but his diagnosing doctor as well. She immediately wrote a letter indicating that it would be a detriment for Redd to continue any testing with or without accommodation.
Well that wasn't enough for anyone DOE, School District, nobody. So my poor kid had to endure 2 *more* days this week of the dreaded MCAS - this time it was Math - a subject he excells in. Everybody said "he did GREAT", "he was FINE", "no problems whatsover".
I guess no one has noticed the very violent ticks he has developed since tuesday. He scruntches his face so tight and then flings his head back (as if there was hair in his eyes) violently. So much so that he has hit me (hard) in the nose and caused a nose bleed.
What does it take for folks to realize that, again, he might have appeared "fine" on the outside, but now he suffers the consequences. Last time it took about 3 to 4 weeks to calm the tics - with alot of relaxation techniques (mom as therapist) and well as deep breathing, and some talking (again mom as therapist).
How can we continue to subject our children to this stress and even thought we had a letter from his physician indicating that it was expressely against medical advice to have him participate in this test - he still had to take it.
I sit here on this Saturday morning watching my beautiful child ticcing violently across the room from me. All I want to do is wrap him in my arms and not let go. I want to protect from this world, all the while knowing that I can't.
Hug someone you love, right now!
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