So last night my son comes home in tears. I find out later that his aide was absent at school that day. They are supposed to call me to let me know...(They just don't get it - it's a little thing that can make or break his day.) Today they are on a field trip and the aide Mr. RP is with him (thank goodness).
Also find out that my son's special chair, (it's a game chair - low to the ground, wraps around him, rocks, helps tremedously with Sensory Intergration issues) has been taken away and is piled upside down atop other chairs in the classroom.
I know that understanding the way a child's mind with Asperger's works is challenging, but to not even try? My son work twice as hard as any other neurotypical child in that school does. He not only has to contend with learning what ever is being taugth, but is trying to enterpret the teacher's facial expression, his voice intonation, body lauguage, sensory stimili such as the room temperature, brightness of the classroom, the flickering overhead lights, the kids talking in the hallway, the tickling of the clock and list goes on. With all that my son has to contend with during his school day why wouldn't this teacher agree to his accomodations? What is so hard about writing a schedule up on the board? Or perhaps informing my son (one day before or even one hour) before moving all of the desk around in the class (not only does this create anxiety and one more thing for my child to worry about, but the noise alone of 23 kids moving their desks must be unbearably difficult for a child with sensory issues). Not using defecit based lanuguage (this guy *LOVES* using defecit based language - and even thought we have asked him on numerous occaisions). I get comments like "He dosen't mind, he said so". Well my son is always going to say he doesn't mind and then the anxiety builds.
Some nights I am just so sick to my stomach over all of this. How do you protect your children. You send them to school. You make sure that you have the proper accomodations included in an IEP. You try to communicate with your child's teacher (he "lost" his voice mail code so he isn't available via phone - only email or your can leave a message at school - but he always said he didn't receive it). Everyone agrees that your child needs help but no one is there to coordinate and supervise and ensure that the accomodations and the IEP are being adhere to...
and the saga continues...