Eeekk, What a way to begin the week.
My dear husband (aka Lance Armstrong) was out for his usual morning ride when he was struck by an oncoming car making a left hand turn in front of him. Well, he ended up flying over the hood and landing on his head (he is now the poster boy for wearing your bike helmet). He was knocked out for 15 minutes or so and was rushed to Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston. The CT scan and x-rays were negative. He does have *major* road rash on the complete left hand side of his face, and this morning woke up with a nasty looking black eye (not something you would ever imagine Randy with ... a black eye). He is home and feeling, well, like he has hit by a car...
The person who hit him was cited with "Failure to yield to a Cyclist" which carries a $35 fine.
Just an update...will keep you all posted.
1 comment:
$35!? Oh well, a decent lawyer should be able to get 200 times that out of the driver's insurance company. Hmmm, let's see:
Week of lost work: 2K
Bike: 2K
Pain and suffering 3K
Yep, that should about do it.
Lance, being the poster boy for triumph over adversity, is an apt touchstone for this unfortunate event. Wishing for a rapid recovery!
- Jody
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