Well, Mother Nature decided to dump about 1 foot of snow on us today and here it is midnite and Randy has just come in from shoveling. Our awesome neighbour Tom helped out by snowblowing a good deal of it. I, in typical Rhonda fashion (I tend to clean obsessively and rearrange furniture when stressed) threw out my back at about 6 o'clock when I decided to relocate the treadmill to the other room, which is why poor Randy has been shoveling for hours. The pharmeceuticals, however seem to be kicking in and I am at least mobile.
No eating or drinking after midnite for Randy - so he is having some toast and some ice cream and bananas before we head upstairs to flip the mattress and put fresh sheets on the bed.
Kids are both having sleep over with their respective best friends (a million thank yous to parents Sara and Cindy). Kinda sad that both kids will be away overnight for the first time ever and Randy and I aren't even together...
We are both going into this optimistic and hopeful. Keep us in your thoughts. I will try to update the blog tomorrow nite, but Saturday at latest. Thanks everyone - goodnite
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