To continue the animal saga. Violet was diagnosed with Melanoma in January (during the infamous Flint vs the Costco Chicken dietary indiscretion). Two weeks ago they started her on an experimental xenogenic vaccine that has been promising and she had her first radiation treatment on Friday. She did great with both and will continue getting radiation once a week and the vaccine every two weeks. If any of this is going to help we should now in the next three weeks. Keeping our fingers crossed.
Oh, and I think I may have forgotten to mention that we have added to our household in the last few weeks.
It all started when I decided that Sarah was in need of something special. She is always very patient and understanding about being the "token neurotypical" child in most any given situation. She is a junior "buddy" at skating, and probably will be a baseball this spring. She is a good sport at bowling and all of the other "sibling" activities that she attends at Max's School. So I ask her "Sarahbean, you've been doing such a great job being helpful, what would you like that mommy could get you?" I am thinking, American Girl Doll, Spa Day, Girls Day, Day off of School for no reason....Noooo. She looks me straight in the eye and without missing a beat says, "Mommy - I want a RAT". Deep breath..."A rat?" "Yes, mom I want a rat. Max had a hamster when he was younger than me. Rat are smart and curious and they like to be with people - I want a Rat." So I do the old, "Well, that's a big responsibility caring for another little creature, we'll have to talk to Daddy about it, I don't know that that is something that we can do right now..." The next morning she comes skipping into the back parlour from the kitchen. "Daddy said yes, Daddy said yes, I can have a RAT!"
So now we have 2 rats (apparently they need the company). Aphrodite (named of course by Sarah because "she is beautiful, but she can be mischievous and can get herself into trouble" just like the goddess) and Peanut (named by Max, "'cause she's cute...")
Pictures to follow...
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