Well, last thing you all heard was that Randy had been hit by a car. He is doing OK although it was not a pleasant experience. Litigation is pending...Now for GREAT NEWS...
We got private placement for Max! After 2 yrs of tyring to get the Medford School District to do the right thing, they have. (Coincidence that we got private placement a month after the long standing SPED director retired, I THINK NOT!)He will be attending the School for Accelerated Learning in Waltham. It is a day school that specialize in kids with Asperger's. The director, Alex Micheals, has A.S. herself - so she gets it. Both Max and Sarah attended the camp that they run in the summer, Camp Goodtimes, a social pragmatics based camp. They both loved it. "Mom they shouldn't call this Camp Goodtimes, they should call it camp Greattimes!" I am indebted to both camp directors, Laurie Smith and Alex Micheals for the wonderful program they had this summer as well as the School they both run. Max is very exicited about going, he is doing incredibily well. His tics are under control (you would never notice - althought he was diagnosed with Tourette's this summer), he has made friends *real* friends. He is the happy, giddy, smiley, inquisitive, affectionate, little boy I knew was in there. We have our Max back, finally...
Sarah had a wonderful summer at camp as well. She was the belle of her group getting love notes from secret admirers and loving every minute of it. She made a very special friend, Cameron. They exchanged "Monkey" webkinz at the end of camp (does this mean they are going steady?". She is also very much looking forward to school starting. We had a great summer. We rented a 30ft RV and drove up to Canada for 8 days. More on that adventure in the next post. Stay tuned...
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