Friday, September 14, 2007

Where do I live...

Max and Sarah on their first day of school.

Here it is the last day of the first full week of school and we are finally *starting* to get into a routine. The kids are happy as clams. Max is triving and Sarah is in her element. I've made out "schedules" for everyone (and they are soooo excited about those--NOT).Transportation is still a little bit of a challenge. Now when anyone asks where I live, I tell them "In a green Ford Winstar".

It's amazing how your vehicle becomes another room, an extention of your home. In the mornings I bring my coffee, a breakfast bar and some water for the ride back. On the passenger seat are a selection of cds, a klennex box, my blackberry and my to do lists. Suprisingly this van has no decorative elements, which got me thinking: This is probably the only thing I own that doesn't have that distinctive "Rhonda" stamp. That's right, not one frog element is present (other than the fact that it is green).

I'll be thinking of a way to make this van "my own" over the next while. If you have any ideas, please feel free to share...

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